Saint: Milburga, virgin

Calendar Entries

Manuscript Date Calendar Entry Rank Notes
BNE Vitr/24/10 February 23 Sainte maburge Normal
British Library Sloane 2683 February 23 Milburge uirginis Normal
Utopia Cod. 104 February 23 Milburge uirginis Normal
Walters W.328 February 23 Milburge uirginis Unranked
Newberry Case MS 56 February 23 Milburge uirginis Normal
Dartmouth Ms Codex 1910 February 23 Milburge v Normal
Milburga, virgin

St. Milburga's Well at Stoke-St-Milborough in the UK. Depending on the legend it started flowing when she hit her head on a rock, or her horse pawed the ground when she fell.

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