Saint: Margaret, virgin, martyr

Calendar Entries

Manuscript Date Calendar Entry Rank Notes
Walters W.469 July 12 Margarite uirgis Normal
Walters W.88 July 12 Sainte margrite v[ir]g High
Morgan Library MS M.116 July 12 Ste marguerite Normal
Real Biblioteca MS II/2104 July 12 Margarete vgis Normal
BNF Latin 10526 July 12 Margarete .v. Unranked
Walters W.764 July 12 Margreth Junckfraw High
PCZ 3025 Rkps July 12 Margrete v[ir]gis High
Houghton Typ 213 July 13 Scti anacleti pp & M Scte margarite V & M Normal
Margaret, virgin, martyr

Painting of St. Margaret and the dragon by Raphael, c. 1518

Distribution of Entries by Date

Distribution of Entries by Rank